Aplikasi Rekam Medis Pasien Ultrasonografi Pada Rumah Bersalin Ellyza


  • Muhammad Totti Pratama Universitas MDP
  • Inayatullah Universitas Multi Data Palembang

Kata Kunci:

Applications, Iteration, Medical Records, Patient, Technology


Today's information technology is evolving so fast that a company can upgrade and implement computerized technology. The Ellyza Maternity Home is a maternity home that provides health services in the process of maternity examination, childbirth and gymnastics of pregnant mothers. Currently, Ellyza's maternity has no application that can record patient data and store all patient data, so this process can cause problems, i.e. poorly understood writing. Medical records become a very important process to know the history of patients who will return to the consultation. Implementation of desktop-based applications and data storage media using SQL server database that ensures the results of patient medical records are effective and efficient by building applications using methods of development of iteration system with phases of planning, analysis, planning, implementation, use. With the method of the development of the iterated system is expected to overcome the challenges of efficiency of medical records of patients ultrasonography at the Ellyza maternity home. The final result is the application of medical record patients ultrasonicography can make it easier for Ellysa maternity in carrying out the process of management of staff data, patient data, examination data etc. can print medical record cards, output data etc., can improve the quality of health services for patients and facilitate staff reporting to leaders. The conclusion is that the application can help, facilitate and improve the work performance of Ellyza's maternity care officer.

Keywords: Technology; Applications; Medical Records; Iteration; Patient


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