Analisis Manfaat Penerapan Robotika dalam Bidang Kesehatan: Systematic Literature Review
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Robotik, Systematic Literature Review, KesehatanAbstrak
The swift advancement of technology has brought about significant changes across various sectors, including healthcare. One of the most promising innovations is robotics. Originally developed for industrial and military purposes, robotics has now made its way into the medical field, significantly impacting the delivery and management of healthcare. The integration of robotics in healthcare has led to transformative innovations that hold great promise for the future of medical services and rehabilitation. To assess the benefits of robotics in healthcare, this study employs the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. This method involves five stages: formulating research questions, conducting search queries, setting inclusion and exclusion criteria, performing quality assessments, and collecting data. SLR is a research and development methodology designed to gather and evaluate studies related to a specific topic systematically. This approach aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of how robotics has been utilized in healthcare and the benefits that have emerged from its application. The findings of the study indicate that robotics offers numerous advantages in the healthcare sector. Robotics not only enhances the quality of healthcare services but also provides innovative solutions to the challenges of managing healthcare facilities. The research concludes that the integration of robotics into healthcare represents a significant advancement towards improving the quality and accessibility of medical services.
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